
Learn keyboard shortcut of Facebook at a glance.

Hello everyone. Welcome to FTT blog. This article is about Facebook as you have seen the title of this article. Before going to the topic, I want to remind you that Facebook is one of the largest online social media. According to Alexa, Facebook is the most visited and top ranked social media. It is also the second most visited website around the globe after Google.

All of you know that Facebook is being updated in new way regularly. Therefore, I have come to you with a new article about Facebook.

This article is about keyboard shortcut of Facebook. This is only applicable for the PC users. Many of you may be familiar with it but I have learned about it recently. I thought that I should share it with you. Therefore, I have started to write about it without any delay. Without wasting your time anymore, let's take a look at Facebook keyboard shortcuts.

keyboard shortcuts
You can perform the task by pressing the following buttons.
  • j, k - To scroll through the news feed.
  • p - To write a new status.
  • l - To like or unlike a selected post.
  • c - To post a comment in a selected post.
  • s - To share a selected post.
  • o - To see the file of a selected post.
  • Enter - To see the full story of the selected post.
  • / - To search through Facebook.
  • q - To search for contacts to chat.
  • ? - To see the help dialog box.
  • Shift + Alt + 0 - For going to Facebook help page directly.
  • Shift + Alt + 1 - For going to the home of your Facebook account.
  • Shift + Alt + 2 - For going to the timeline of your account.
  • Shift + Alt + 3 - For going to the friend list page of your Facebook account.
  • Shift + Alt + 4 - For going to the inbox page of your Facebook account.
  • Shift + Alt + 5 - For checking your account's notifications.
  • Shift + Alt + 6 - For going to the settings page of your account.
  • Shift + Alt + 7 - For watching the activity log of your account.
  • Shift + Alt + 8 - For going to your account's about page.
  • Shift + Alt + 9 - For going to the terms and condition page of Facebook.
  • Shift + Alt + m - For checking new messages of your account.
If this tune benefits any of you, then I will be very happy.

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